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Custom Download Request Form

This article outlines the download request process for assets, and how to customize your download request form for your brand.

Updated over a week ago

As an owner, you’re able to apply another level of security to your assets and gain more insight into users downloading them. The option to set up a request form when downloading an asset provides a layer of security to your assets; the default form requires users only to write the intended use of the asset.

Now, you have the option to create a personalized form where you can request additional information for users who want to download an asset from your Media Library.

Creating Your Customized Download Request Form

This form has to be activated and created in the backend, in your Media Library.

Head to the settings on the Power Bar > ‘Usage Settings’ and activate the form by selecting ‘On Request’ under the Download protection first option you can select.

In that same panel, you will find the ‘Request Form Configuration;’ this is where you can modify and add fields to customize the form. There’s a title and a description that can be customized by adding your personalized text. ‘Intended use’ is a default option and can be edited.

You can add/remove the fields that you want, such as ‘Email’ or ‘Name.’ You can add the type of field with a label and placeholder text and activate specific fields as required. To do that, simply click on the ‘Add field’ option. Whether to remove those fields, just click on the little rubbish bean next to the field you added.

On the bottom of the panel, you can also decide on Available download image sizes- making all of the versions of that image available or allowing the users to download just some sizes.

Also, on the Custom sizes & cropping panel, you can decide whether to lock the aspect ratio and/or to enable cropping.

Once you have created and activated the Download Request Form, users opting to download an asset will have to fill in the form you created when clicking on ‘Request Download.’

Accepting or Declining Download Requests

Bear in mind that only if you are the Account Admin you are able to see these requests on the ‘Requests’ option when clicking on your picture in Frontify.

Requests can be approved or rejected. When approved, the user who requested the asset will be notified via email and redirected to the asset to the app to download it. If you reject the request, you will need to provide a reason for this, and the user will then be informed via email of your decision.

Auto approval

The idea behind the Auto approval is that you can create a Custom download Form, but if you don't necessarily have the time to approve all the requests to download an asset, you can activate the Auto Approval. This feature will automatically allow users requesting an asset to download the asset right after filling in the form.

This is a particularly useful way to directly grant access to download assets to different teams in your company and save the time it takes for someone to answer a request.

Activate this by heading to your Media Library on the backend and selecting the Settings cogwheel > Usage settings. There, you will be able to activate the Auto approval.

Once this is activated, users will be able to download assets right after filling out the custom download form.

This is yet another great way to secure your assets. Activate this feature today because life’s too short to deal with pesky misuse of assets.

Any questions about asset protection? Give us a shout.

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