There are two options available for users to search and find assets in Libraries: Keyword queries or Faceted Search. If you understand how each option works, you’ll be able to deliver a frictionless asset discovery process for your users.
However, no matter which option users choose, the asset classification (metadata) process is the most critical factor – determining how good or bad the search experience in your libraries will be. So, we can't stress enough how important it is to pay close attention to using high-quality labeling for every single asset. You can read more about tags and metadata here.
1. Search by keyword query
The search algorithm will retrieve the related assets and collections once a user types a keyword in the search box. These will be ranked based on relevance ("best match"), which is the default sorting option after a search has been carried out. The ranking of results is based on whether the search query is found exactly or partially in the asset title, followed by the description, and finally, by tags and metadata.
An exact match ranks higher than a partial one. Therefore, assets containing an exact keyword in their title, description, tags, or metadata, will rank highest. For custom metadata date properties, please search in the yyyy-mm-dd format.
We suggest you review the suggested tags if you have this feature enabled. Some suggested tags might not be relevant to the asset, which might affect the search results.
Other available sorting options are straightforward and they sort results according to:
Title A-Z
Title Z-A
Boolean Search
At the moment, the search engine in the Libraries supports three search commands that you can use to narrow down the search results:
AND: When you’re looking for assets with both keywords.
OR: When you’re looking for assets with either keyword.
NOT: When you're looking for assets with one but not the other keyword.
Frontend vs. Backend Keyword Search
(Library page keyword search)
If no asset results are found in the current library page, then a search is carried out across all further library pages of the guideline. If there are results in another library, these will be shown to the user to either directly view and download, or they can then easily navigate to the library page where the assets were found to carry out bulk actions on the results.
(Library workspace keyword search)
2. Faceted Search
You can ensure a better search experience through Faceted Search. Based on tags or metadata, Faceted Search allows you to create multiple filters that classify results and display them more accurately. For more on that, check out the Faceted Search article.
In case you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.