This is a paid integration available to enterprise and boost plans The integration supports the Sitecore versions 9.0.2 - 10.4 and XM Cloud |
The Frontify Integration for Sitecore simplifies your content publishing workflow by letting you access your Frontify assets (DAM) from within all Sitecore websites.
In this article, you learn how to use Frontify and Sitecore together.
To use this integration, you will need:
An existing Frontify account,
A Sitecore instance,
To install the Frontfiy Integration on your Sitecore platform.
How to Connect Frontify with Sitecore
Step 1: Log in to Sitecore Backend
Login to your Sitecore Backend via your Web Interface.
Step 2: Connect Sitecore with Frontify
Go to Sitecore Experience Platform > Media Libary. Select the Frontify icon in your Media Library. This triggers an overlay of the Frontify Finder, where you can add your Frontify Domain.
Step 3: Authorize Frontify App in Sitecore
Allow Sitecore to access your assets (allow access). Once connected, you'll get access to all the assets that you've permitted access to in Frontify.
How to Use Frontify Assets in Sitecore
As a Sitecore content editor, you can use the Frontify assets in different areas within Sitecore. This section will show you the various integration points available within the Sitecore interface.
A – Integration Point One: Sitecore Experience Editor – WYSIWYG Inline Editing
Go to Sitecore Experience Platform > Experience Editor, and go to the page you want to edit via the WYSIWYG editor. Select Frontify assets by choosing the Frontify Logo in the editor.
B – Integration Point Two: Rich Text Editor – Adding Images to a Webpage
Go to Sitecore Experience Platform > Experience Editor, and go to the page you want to edit. Select a rich text field.
Upload your asset.
C – Integration Point Three: Content Editor – Tree Navigation
Navigate to your page via the tree navigation.
Open the page you want to edit.
Import assets via the Frontify Asset Chooser
D – Integration Point Four: Media Library – Import Images
You can create your folder structure in Sitecore and import any Frontify Assets.
Go to the Sitecore Media Library.
Create your folder structure
Import Frontify Assets into the Sitecore Media Libray
Hint: Batch-upload is possible via this integration point.
That's it. We hope you've found this article helpful.
If any questions are left unanswered, don't hesitate to contact us.