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The Power Bar

Within the assets the PowerBar shows its real magic.

Updated over a week ago

Open an asset and you will see what is possible over the PowerBar. From giving feedback to prototyping. You will be impressed how easy it is to get your project moving forwards. 

From top to bottom:

  1. Home (Dashboard).

  2. View

  3. Feedback

  4. Prototyping

  5. Revisions

  6. Share

  7. Status

  8. Download

  9. Fullscreen switcher

  10. Notifications

  11. User Profile / Logout

Home (Dashboard)

If you press the Frontify Logo on the Powerbar, you will come back to the dashboard. From here you can reach other brands or projects.


To leave a comment on an asset, point to a specific part of it or leave general feedback, to collaboratively work on assets. You can also request approval or additional feedback. 

It’s also possible to rotate your asset when leaving feedback. This makes it easier for you to comment on print designs like boxes and envelopes, where you have texts and designs placed on different sides and angles.


Prototyping par excellence.
Press the Prototyping icon within the PowerBar and start. It's so amazing, working with the Frontify Prototyping tool.
Creating templates is also possible and much more. You've got to try it.


Over the Revisions you can see all versions of your images. Change back to the old revisions. Or upload a new updated file.



Share & Embed

Over the share & embed icon, you are able to send a link people not invited to your project. The people you invite this way do not need to log in. You can copy the link for the current asset and you send your prototyping out to anyone.
If you need to embed your work into a wiki and / or your homepage, just copy the code from the embed tab and paste it into your wiki and or homepage. 


Via the Status icon you can mark an image with the following status or a status you have created when customizing your workflow:

No Status
On Hold
In Progress
Needs Review


We do not need to explain what this button does.
But pssst, it starts the download of your work ;-)

Amazing, isn't it?


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