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Targets for Guidelines

An intelligent way to serve (and control) the view of global content for specific stakeholders

Updated over 2 months ago

Why use Targets?

With Targets for Guidelines, you can control your global Guidelines' access (views) for different types of users, user groups, pages, and much more.

This key feature allows you to control the views of Documents, Pages, and even single Content Blocks. Tailor the same content for specific departments, markets, campaigns, and more. Help stakeholders access the (right) content that's relevant to them without duplicating it for different users and needs.

Setting up Targets for Guidelines

1. Creating Targets (Admins only)

If you are an Admin, you can set up targets on the Access Management page. Get there by clicking on your buddy icon on the bottom left of your screen.

Then, switch to the "Targets" tab to create new targets.

Once you click on the 'Create New Target', you can define the target name and add a description.

It's up to you to define which purpose you want to use the target function for. One use case would be to meet the demands of deviating cultural norms across the globe. Here, it would make sense to set targets to differentiate between markets. Another use case could be to ensure that different departments within your company only have access to the Content Blocks and Pages of your Guidelines that they're supposed to see.

2. Assign Targets to single Users and User Groups

Once you've created your targets, you can assign them to users and user groups, either manually or by sending public links. If you do this manually, stay on the usage overview page, switch to either the user or groups tab, and tick the targets you wish to assign, as seen below.

If you want to share your targeted Guidelines via a public link, click on the share icon in the Power Bar on the left, switch to the "Public Link" tab, and select the targets you want the new user to see.

Apply Targets on your Guidelines

As the last step, switch to your Guidelines and assign Guideline targets top-down. You can grant access to whole documents, specific pages, or Content Blocks. Change to edit mode, and go to your preferred Guideline element. Then, choose which target assign to each element.

You can select and deselect all targets with one click. The functionality to select all targets or by clicking “All Viewers” leads to the same results, meaning the content you are working on is visible to all users with the role 'Viewers'.

Simulate Different Views for Users

Once you have applied desired targets to the Guidelines, you can now simulate them, meaning you will be able to check how a specific target group will see the given pages.

Jump over to your specific guideline page and click on the Targets icon on the Power Bar.

A side panel will appear with two tabs to choose from: “Simulate targets” and “Simulate users.” In this case, stay on the Simulate targets tab.

You can either start the simulation for All Viewers or the Target set. Just select a target group and click on “Start Simulation.” The page should reload to show it as seen from the desired target.

Once you have finished with your simulation, go back to the Targets icon on the Power Bar and click on “Stop Simulation,” and go back to the original view of your page.


Targets apply to all Users with the 'Viewer' roles. Editors are still able to see and edit all the content within Guidelines. That is to ensure your Guidelines don't get messed up when moving around blocks because someone doesn't see all blocks. Further, viewers with no targets assigned can only see untargeted content.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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