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Feedback and Approval Process

How feedbacks and approval processes can increase your team’s collaboration and efficiency.

Updated over 2 months ago

The feedback and approval process increases users' collective project participation. It will serve as a standard form of agreement in project workflows.

This process ensures every user is on the same page with a unified workflow overview, fostering team collaboration and improving efficiency.

Request Approval Process

The approval process allows users to sync with all the stakeholders involved while assuring faster feedback loops, making the project pipeline smoother.

When the asset is uploaded and needs review, open the file you want feedback on and create a request.

Creating a Request

On the upper right-hand corner, the ‘Request Approval’ button will open up a panel where you’ll be able to add reviewers to that specific asset. You can choose one or more colleagues or invite whole groups using the right-hand side tab on that same window.

Reviewers & Revision Settings

Once selected the reviewers, it’s time to adjust the settings on the right-hand side tab. This step shows the parameters used for asset approvals.

Message: The message clarifies to reviewers the topic and what to review.

Closing Date: The closing date determines the last day open for review. After that, the request will get resolved and automatically approved or rejected based on specific settings.

Approval Requirements: The conditions for a request to be resolved as ‘Approved’ – there are four options to choose from:

  • “No Rejections”: There are no rejections and at least one approval. All reviewers MUST respond for the approval to proceed.

  • “First responder decides”: The first response will approve or reject.

  • “Majority approves”: The majority of users that respond approve.

  • “Unanimous approvals”: Approved by all the reviewers.

Resolution if no Responders: If none of the reviewers respond within the deadline, the process can automatically move to either rejected or approved.

Status After Approval or Rejection: It changes the status of the asset and by that moves the asset to the right workflow step automatically.

You can also set it as ‘Don’t Change’ to make a manual change at a later stage.

Additional Settings. The setting has two more options:

Reset Responses on Revision Upload: it allows resetting the responses of the approval process in case of a new revision.

Allows Reviews Until Closing Dates: it does not complete the review process until the agreed deadline to incorporate feedback from everyone involved.

Once adjusted the settings, you can send the approval request for your project.

The Reviewer’s View

Once the request has been sent, the reviewers will receive an email notification and be redirected to Frontify. An information bar will allow them to assess and approve or reject the asset.

Next to the file name will be the asset's current status and the respondent reviews. The information bar will contain the requestor’s message and the deadline set. At the bottom, the reviewer may approve or reject the asset.

Once the asset has been approved or rejected, the reviewer needs to share its feedback with the requestor.

The Requestor’s View

The requestor’s window looks the same but without approval buttons.

Depending on the asset’s approval deadline, the requestor can close the request and solve it ahead of time.

Close Request

The close request option at the top right end of the window allows users to terminate the task and move to the workflow's next step.

Approval History

Get an overview of past approvals of a specific asset with the approval history. Users can find it in the top right-hand corner menu by clicking ‘Show Approval History.’ In this window, users can see all the comments related to that asset, along with pending requests and team members that approved or rejected the asset.

Comments & Feedback

Users can comment on any digital assets, asking for feedback or reviews. Select the commenting icon in the Power Bar and tag any other project member with commenting rights.

Formatting options

Increase the collaboration on asset details. The comments are available on the Creative Collaboration and libraries.

In addition to expressing yourself with emojis, you can format your messages with the options you see on the following screen.

You can use different formatting options such as Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Hyperlink, and Emoji.


When you need to contact all of the members of a project or a specific group, you probably don’t want to tag each person individually. By clicking the “@,” you can mention groups that are part of the project so that they will all be notified by your message - whoever is mentioned will be then notified via email. Moreover, by mentioning @all, every member of the project, regardless of what group they're in, will be notified.

It isn't possible to mention a smart group. Users that are added to the project via a smart group will not receive a notification when the @all tag is used in a comment.

You are all set to kickstart your new project and build your wonderful brand(s).

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