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Asset relations

How to relate your assets to each other

Updated over 2 months ago

With the related assets feature, you’re able to link the assets to each other within a library. This way, you can directly see all related assets at a glance and navigate between them even quicker without having to download attached assets. Read further to learn how to make the most use of this feature and set up relations.

Use Cases

The use cases of the related assets feature are various. By relating assets to each other, you’re, for example, able to connect all assets you’re going to use in a campaign or project with each other. Another use case would be to link assets with similar properties, which only differ in terms of logo color or language, to each other. All in all, it helps you implement an additional sorting structure for your libraries.

Finding the Asset Relations feature

To find the related asset's functionality, you first have to go to the backend view of the respective library. You can do so by entering the library from the libraries overview space. Then, open the detail asset view of your preferred asset by clicking on it. Open the sidebar, which contains several tabs of important Metadata, Settings, and Relations of the asset. Click on the ‘Relations’ tab.

Within the relations tab, there are several sections that each show a different way the asset is linked to other assets or locations. There are two options for adding a new relation to the asset. The first is to upload a new asset that will be added to the library and then automatically related to the current asset. The second option is to browse through existing assets of the library and select one or multiple you wish to relate to this asset.

Each relation you set up appears under the Related assets section with a thumbnail and the related asset name. Note that all relations you set up are bi-directional. Clicking on the name of the related asset will navigate you to its detailed asset view.

Removing a relation between assets can be done by clicking on the XDelete button within the relation.

If you have the Digital & Print Templates functionality in place, you can also relate a source file to an asset in the same way. This way, you can track back the template used to publish the given asset.

When you enter an asset from the frontend view, you’ll find the tab called ‘Relations’ on your right-hand side as well. There, all the related assets can be seen. Simply click on one of these related assets to open it in the frontend view.

In case you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

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