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Custom Crop & Focal Point

Get to know the crop and focal point before downloading an asset

Updated over a week ago

Getting the exact angled images you need can easily be achieved with the Custom Cropping feature, which can be used in the backend as well as in the consumer view – making sure everyone has access to the feature.

Focal Point & Cropping in the Backend

Crop your assets in the backend before you download them. The cropping feature also has the ability to set a focal point which will allow you to define the center of your cropping (p.s. the focal point is only available in the Media Library and not in other Library types).

Select an image from, for example, your Media Library, change the focus point in the view mode, and select the ‘move’ option, located on the Basics tab on the right-side panel.

Once the focal point is set, start cropping. Head to the ‘Download’ button on the top right-hand side of the screen and select ‘Download cropped asset’. A pop-up screen will allow you to edit the image based on the size you wish to have, always centered on the focal point you’ve already defined.

When you’ve defined the section of the image you wish to download, either click to copy the link for external purposes or simply click on the download button to get it as a file.

Cropping in the Consumer View

This can be enabled at a library level. To activate it, you need to open your Media Library in the backend and head to the Usage Settings on the Power bar.

In the Usage Settings, scroll all the way down to the ‘Custom Sizes & Cropping’ section. In order to enable this feature, you need to toggle the option called Enable cropping in guidelines.

In the consumer view of the Media Library, any user can now select any image and crop it before downloading. Simply head to the right-hand side of the screen, and under Sizes, you will have the option to access Custom sizes and cropping.

Once that option is selected, click Customize and Download to start cropping. You will have the same options as in the backend, with the exception of the use of the focal point as it’s been chosen in the backend. This will allow you to make sure the image and its position are used in a proper way by consumers.

Once you know how you would like to crop your image, simply hit Download and you are all set.

Lock Aspect Ratio

Once you have enabled the option of Cropping in the backend, Lock Aspect Ratio will appear underneath, which you can toggle to enable. This will lock the image to the original ratio you have set up in the backend – not giving the options to frontend consumers to make those changes. This means that, as long as the ratio has been set, the measurements can be changed from the consumer side – but the ratio stays.

Cropping at an Individual Level

If you don’t wish for end consumers to crop-specific assets from the Media Library, you can always disable it for individual assets.

Simply select the asset you want to remove from the custom cropping, in the backend. Under download options, you can toggle the custom cropping to disable it.

The feature will no longer be visible for users in the consumer view for that particular asset.

Let us know if there are any questions related to cropping.

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