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Asset audit trail

Control all the events associated with specific assets

Updated over a week ago

Asset audit trail is an enterprise feature available to Library’s editors, owners, and reviewers.

Get better control over your assets by having all the information you need at your fingertips. With Asset audit trail, you have an overview of the most relevant events of a visual, video, or document. You can see who did what and when and contact the person directly from the asset audit trail view. Let’s have a quick look.

Get information about your asset lifecycle

You can find the asset audit trail icon on the Power Bar in your assets. To see the history of events associated with the asset, simply click on the icon, and the dashboard will open up.

The view will show all the events that happened with that asset. For example, Lorenzo changed the workflow status of that asset on March 13.

Asset audit trail makes it easier to check every request and every revision, thanks to the link next to each asset modification. You can then compare side by side the two different versions, as shown in the gif below.

Similarly, you can see who approved a request and when.

Filter the information you need

Asset audit trail has a powerful filter capability that shows you exactly what you want to see. There are three different filters available.

  • Users - you can filter by one or more users you are interested in and see the action performed

  • Event - open the drop-down menu to filter by activity or actions. You can filter by one, two, or more different events.

  • Timeline - you can select a specific time interval

Contact a person who performed an action

You may want to compliment one of your colleagues who did a revision or email another colleague who downloaded a not-ready asset. You can contact your team by hovering over their icon and coping email addresses in a breeze. The gif is blurred for privacy reasons, but the following image shows what to do to get your colleague's email copied.

Anonymize data

Do you prefer to hide your employee names for privacy reasons? We've got you covered; please contact Customer Support.

What type of format and events does Asset audit trail track?

Here’s a list of the formats tracked by Asset audit trail:

Type of assets

Events tracking

Features available to users

Media Library (photo & video)



Logo Library (logos)



Icon Library (icon)



Text Library (text)



Document Library (documents)



Template Library (templates)



Pattern Library (code)



Asset audit trail tracks two main events: consumption events and contribution events. Let’s have a look at them in detail:

Consumption events:

  • Downloads

  • Sharing

For the downloaded assets you can also track different formats such as

  • Download size (size name if available, width and height),

  • Download format, if the user downloads a custom format (only in Icon Library and Logo Library)

  • Download color and the corresponding color code (only for Icons stored in an Icon Library)

Following, you can find an icon example.

Contribution events:

  • Approval requests

  • Copyright notices

  • Copyright statuses

  • Download protection

  • Download requests

  • License statuses

  • Revisions

  • Workflow statuses

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